LV Switchboard Malaysia

LV Switchboard Malaysia
The role of a switchboard is to allow the division of the current supplied to the switchboard into smaller currents for further distribution and to provide switching, current protection and (possibly) metering for those various currents. In general, switchboards may distribute power to transformers, panel boards, control equipment, and, ultimately, to individual system loads.
Inside a switchboard there will be a lot of busbars. These are flat strips of copper or aluminum, to which the switchgear is connected. Busbars carry large currents through the switchboard, and are supported by insulators.
The operator is protected from electrocution by safety switches and fuses. There may also be controls for the supply of electricity to the switchboard, coming from a generator or bank of electrical generators, especially frequency control of AC power and load sharing controls, plus gauges showing frequency and perhaps a synchroscope. The amount of power going into a switchboard must always substantially equal the power going out to the loads ( less the losses in internal conductors and consumption by internal devices such as pilot lamps, space heaters, or others).
Metal enclosure of the switchboard is bonded to earth ground for protection of personnel. Large switchboards may be free-standing floor-mounted enclosures with provision for incoming connections at either the top or bottom of the enclosure. A switchboard may have incoming bus bars or bus duct for the source connection, and also for large circuits fed from the board. A switchboard may include a metering or control compartment separated from the power distribution conductors.
Control Panel Electrical Switchboard LV Switchboard Malaysia Switchboard Control Panel